Landmark assisted the Owner with evaluating prospective sites for the location of a regional, rural medical facility. The criteria included permitting, site development costs and accessibility. The final selected location required entitlements for a major subdivision, site plan, access permits and extensive off-site utility extensions – effectively creating four projects in one. The project required careful coordination between the Town, Sanitation District, County, multiple State agencies and a Not-for-Profit Board.
The Land Subdivision created adjacent properties to complement the facility and provide a funding vehicle for the land donation to Pioneer’s Medical. The subdivision included four large tracts served by roads and utilities.
The property required the extension of a major water main, water tank, pump station, sewer interceptor and gas main to the proposed site located approximately 2-miles from the Town center. The Town’s water network was modeled by Landmark elevation service limits determined. A 0.5 million gallon water tank was located and coordinated to provide steady state flows and volume for emergency considerations. The water and sewer alignments required almost 2 miles of roadside construction in the State’s right-of-way, necessitating CDOT Special Use Permits, wetland permitting and archaeological review.
The CDOT Access Permit involved a turn lane, redirect taper and acceleration and deceleration lanes to be designed and installed on Colorado State Highway 13. Landmark traveled to Grand Junction to meet directly with CDOT personnel to ensure that the project’s tight timeline and budget were not adversely impacted by application reviews.
Finally, the 70,000 sf medical facility was constructed within approximately 18 months.